
Monday, June 29, 2009

Aaron Lines - Turn It Up / I Like The Sound Of That
I like the sound of the ocean crashing
Waves making their way to the beach
I like the sound of the gulf breeze blowing
Holding your hand, with sand on our feet

I like the sound of raindrops dancing
As we sleep away a Sunday afternoon
And I like the sound of the alarm clock ringing
Means I'll spend another day with you

So turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up a little louder
I can never ever get enough
Turn it up, turn it up
Cause whenever I'm around you
You've got me thinking that
I like the sound of that

I like the sound of a fireplace crackling
Watching a movie, holding you tight
Yeah, I love it when I hear you laughing
At that joke I've told a thousand times
And I like the sound of guitars screaming
Music so loud we talk with our eyes

Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up a little louder
I can never ever get enough
Turn it up, turn it up
Cause whenever I'm around you
You've got me thinking that
I like the sound of that

I like the sound of your heart beating
In my arms, right here, right now
When it's so quiet I can hear you breathing
That may be my favourite sound

Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up a little louder
I can never ever get enough
Turn it up, turn it up
Cause whenever I'm around you
You've got me thinking that
I like the sound of that

Turn it up, turn it up
Turn it up a little louder
I can never ever get enough
Turn it up, turn it up
Cause whenever I'm around you
You've got me thinking that
I like the sound of that
You know how I've been thanking God for the cool weather and the wind... blah blah blah. Then people have been asking me... you on air con is it? That's why you feel cool. LOL. No, my air con broke down like a few weeks ago and I haven't turned on the air con since then. But whenever I feel sleepy and need to sleep, the weather will automatically become cooler and windy-er (is that a word?) I believe it's God who is making my life easier (: If not, how is it that whenever I feel like sleeping, there will be gentle breeze coming into my room, esp in the night. Sometimes, I even feel cold in the middle of the night. HAHA. Don't be jealous, people :P

I believe in happy endings...10:25 AM.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Caution! Long post people... beware!

Today is probably one of the most fun days in the past few weeks. Went to kallang leisure park with JENNY, PAMELA, PEARLYN and SARAH for ice skating. My first time ice skating (: LOL. It's a lot like roller blading but on ice. At first I was a little scared, the usual fears like falling and injuring myself. Thank God I didn't, but poor Sarah did... (Eh, Teo... If after a few days still pain, please go see a doc okay?) Anyways, after a while I began to get the hang of it, and went faster and faster, and in the end I went to the centre and "show off" my newly acquired skill. HAHA. I like speed... like go super fast and feel the wind in my face, thus making me a reckless driver :P

After 2 hours? We stopped, any our time's up and we left. Jenny left to meet FairLi, leaving us 4 waiting for Weiwen to meet us for dinner. We sat at the food court and chatted for almost 2 hours... lots of small talk... Anyway, after dinner and the 'Transformers' movie, I got this feeling that it's super possible for cars to change into robots... I love Prime's cover as a truck. Super cool... (: And Megan Fox is getting hotter...

You Are My Song - Heritage Singers
Early will I rise and worship You
Giving you thanks, for all that you do
My sacrifice off praise I offer You
And You give to me, that sweet melody

You are my song, You are my song
You are the reason, I sing this song to You
You are my song, You are my song
You are the reason, I sing to you

Early will I rise and worship You
Giving You thanks, for all that you do
My sacrifice off praise I offer You
And You give to me, that sweet melody


I will sing a new song unto You
Words from thr heart, broken apart
There is nothing like we rather do
'Cause You are my joy, to You I am for

10 things I thank God for...
1. the cool weather (:
2. the nice taxi uncle that let the 5 of us squeeze into his cab
3. all the fun we had together :D
4. not letting me fall while I was ice skating
5. the bus that came on time
6. Adrian and Serene for sending me home
7. Sarah for helping me buy tix for 'Transformers - Revenge of the Fallen'...
8. helping me to finish my project PPT before I need to leave the house
9. bringing Pearlyn back
10. reminding me that He's always watching over me (:

I believe in happy endings...11:44 PM.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Altar and the Door - Casting Crowns

Careless, I am reckless
I'm a wrong way traveling, slowly unraveling, shell of a man
Burn out, I'm so numb now
That the fire's just an ember way down in the corner, of my cold, cold heart

Lord this time, I'll make it right
Here at the altar I lay my life
You're kingdom come but my will was done
My heart is broken as I cry....

Like so many times before
But my eyes
I try before I leave the floor
Oh Lord I try...(I'll try)
but this time Jesus how can I be sure
I would not lose my follow through
between the altar and the door

Here at the altar
Oh my world so black and white
How could I ever falter
What you've show me to be right

Lord this time (Lord this time)
I'll make it right (make it right)
Here at the altar I lay my life
You're kingdom come, but my will was done
my heart is broken as I cry

Like so many times before
but my eyes, are dry before I leave the floor
Oh Lord I try... (I'll try)
but this time Jesus how can I be sure
I will not lose my follow through
between the altar and the door

I'm trying so hard, to stop trying so hard
just let you be who you are
Lord who You are in me

Jesus I'm trying so hard
to stop trying so hard
Just let you be who you are
Lord who You are in me, Oh Lord I...

like so many times before
but my eyes are dry before I leave the floor
Oh Lord I try...(I'll try)
but this time Jesus how can I be sure
I will not lose my follow through
between the altar and the door

Cry...(My eyes are dry)
Like so many times before (So many times)
But my eyes (eyes)
Are dry before I leave the floor
Oh Lord I try (I'll try)
But this time Jesus how can I be sure
I will not lose my follow through
between the altar and the door
It's such an awesome song. It just hits the nail on the head. "But this time how can I be sure I will not lose my follow through between the altar in the door" I mean, it's a question a lot of Christians struggle with. Coz, not matter how strong a christian you are, there are times that you'll falter. You begin to doubt your faith and your position as a child of God in the world. But God reminded me, that we are only humans. We make mistakes and it's okay to make mistakes. But in this world, esp in Singapore, there is no room for mistakes. But God says that it's not about whether or not you will make mistakes (and you will), it's about learning from your mistakes. Believe or not, God gave me this answer through Facebook... the application "Message from God" or something like that...

So, on with the 10 things to thank God for...
1. Thank God that I'm loved. Not just by Him, but people around me :)
2. Talented people like the Casting Crowns and all other bands playing for God. We need more people like that.
3. Delivery service. When you're too lazy to leave the house, you know who to call... LOL
4. The refershing and much needed rain yesterday.
5. The cool breeze God constantly sends in the night. He knows my air con is not working. (And frankly, I feel bad for the environment when I use the air con.)
6. Just begin God. What more can you ask for? He's so awesome.
7. Helping me stand firm on my beliefs. Don't compromise!
8. Helping me finish the very tedious MICE project :D It's done!!
9. TEO. She came really early on sunday and we got to sit in sector A. I prefer sector A to B or C...
10. Cold water in the fridge :D

I believe in happy endings...12:53 PM.
Saturday, June 20, 2009

10 things I'm thankful for...

1. Internet :)
2. Ice cream... need I say more?
3. My mom... I have a bad temper and she puts up with me... a lot!
4. My cell members... they are people I can really trust and I love hanging out with them :D
5. For the refershing breeze God sends
6. Being able to study. I still hate studying but I'm really fortunate to have a chance to do it, you know.
7. Air con!!
8. Little things like clean water :)
9. Being in Singapore. I still complain about it sometimes, but it's one of the safest country in the world.
10. Music

What are the 10 things you're thankful for?? It's not as hard as it looks :)

I believe in happy endings...10:12 PM.

you know this feeling, where you're empty inside and kind of lost? that's what I've been feeling a while... like my life has no purpose (in a totally non-dramatic way...) I've been trying to ignore it, thinking it would go away but it didn't. I still do my daily routine, like go to school and housework and stuff but after all that responsibilities, it's like I'm empty again... I try not to think about it but it bites me in my butt again and again, reminding me that it won't go away...

on another note, I'm really inspired by SARAH, even through all that tough times, she never forgets to give thanks. and I think I'm gonna do the same think... (LOL, TEO! don't mind I copy your idea :)) 10 things to give thanks to God... Will be back later for that...

I believe in happy endings...2:43 PM.
Friday, June 19, 2009

Read this!! funny shit!

Very Valuable marketing lessons...

1. You see a gorgeous girl at a party.
You go up to her and say, 'I am very rich. Marry me!'

2. You are at a party with a bunch of
friends and see a gorgeous girl. One of your friends goes up to her and pointing at you says, 'He's very rich. Marry him!'

3. You see a gorgeous girl at a party.
You go up to her and get her telephone number. The next day, you call her and say, 'Hi, I am very rich. Marry me!'

4. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You get up and straighten your tie. You walk up to her and pour her a drink. You open the door for her. You pick up her bag after she drops it. You offer her a ride and you say, 'By the way, I am very rich. Will you marry me?'

5. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. She walks up to you and says, 'You are very rich. Can you marry me?'


6. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You walk up to her and say, 'I am very rich. Marry me!' She gives you a nice hard slap on your face.

7. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You walk up to her and say, I am very rich. Marry me!' And she introduces you to her husband.

8. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You walk up to her and before you can say anything, another person comes along and tells her, 'I am very rich. Marry me!'

9. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You walk up to her and before you can say anything, another person comes along and tells her, 'I am very rich. Marry me! And she follows him.

10. You see a gorgeous girl at a party. You walk up to her and before you can say, 'I am very rich. Marry me!', YOUR WIFE TURNS UP!


This is damn funny too... what if it really happened??

I believe in happy endings...9:32 PM.
Thursday, June 18, 2009

I have an exam tomorrow (re-exam to be exact) and I should so be studying, but I'm not. I can't concentrate... I hate this freaking subject (It's marketing by the way) and I've failed it like twice, so this is my third time taking it. I don't understand how I failed, I mean for the first two times, I studied... This time, I sort of gave up... Did I mention I hate this freaking subject? I think I'm never gonna get my diploma coz I can never pass this subject... How?? Help...

There is this nagging feeling at the back of my head, telling me I should be studying, but the minute I open my notes, I zone out...

I need help...

I believe in happy endings...9:22 PM.
Thursday, June 11, 2009

This is mad funny!! Don't worry, it's not real...

I believe in happy endings...2:54 PM.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sometimes I think I'm naive... like super trusting. I believe in almost everything other people says without thinking. I believe that people won't lie to me because I don't lie to them. (Not that I don't tell lies, but I try not to...) And then, I get cheated again and again. Not like it's life and death issues but I hate to be lied to, you know? Then after a while, I wonder if stop trusting what other people says. I think I need to use my brain more... :X

On another note (not much lighter though), I feel a little lost. I feel like I got no motivation to continue studying or do whatever I'm supposed to do... I just feel... SIAN... I don't want to wake up in the morning, I don't want to study, I think I give up already. As many of you know, I'll be graduating in August, but till now, I have no idea what I want to do after I finish my studies. I want to continue with a degree course but I have no money. And nope, my parents told me they won't be paying for my UNI school fees anymore. Which means, I have to earn my own money and then use that to pay my school fees. I've tried working and studying at the same time, and it sucks! I go to work in the morning, then to school, when I reach home, I feel like dying... There is no time for me rest. I still have revision to do!! On top of that, assignments and group projects to complete. *Sigh* Even talking about it makes me tired.

Okay, back to the same question. What should I do after my diploma? I know it sounds like of dumb, but I don't want to go into the tourism industry. I took this diploma coz my mom wanted me to, so whatever makes her happy... But I still have to pay her back the money for the school fees. I want to do something with music and photography and dogs... but that sounds like just hobbies, not stable jobs, "Iron Rice Bowl" (as what the chinese say...) I once thought maybe I can be an interior designer, but I can't draw. God didn't give me that talent... but frankly, I don't know what kind of talent He gave me... maybe I don't have talents. *Sigh* Sometimes, I think I'm quite useless...

This post is a little depressing, which is uncommon for me. I usually try to look on the bright side but sometimes, I can't find the bright and shiny side. God, please help me to have hope... and strength to continue to believe that you put me on earth for a reason.

I believe in happy endings...9:16 PM.
Monday, June 8, 2009

Yay! I FINALLY finished my individual project and now I'm like super sleepy.

Nothing much happened last week, but I had a really good weekend, I think.

Summary of my week:

Monday: Sit at home and stone... Then go for class

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: Sit at home and stone... I have no life...

Friday: Went to Sharon's house for DG and ate Mos burger again (that's the 4th Mos burger Friday...) While waiting for people to get ready MeiShi made cheesecake (I helped!!), kind of feels like a family event... LOL. Anyways, for me the highlight of the day was seeing Cody (Serene's dog/baby)!! He's so cute! but the funny thing is that went Cody came running/charging towards us, Sharon quickly jump onto the sofa, like she scared Cody will eat her... LOL. Haix... I want a dog! Any sponser?? I want a Golden Retrevier!!

Saturday: Refer to Tuesday....

Sunday: Woke up super early for service. The title of the message sounds quite depressing but if you read John 16:33, it's actually not. After service we went to see Cody again!! He's so cute! Then we went to pet movers with Jenny, Sarah, Serene and Adrain. LOL, Adrain keep psyco-ing Jenny to get a Beagle...

And I saw many many golden retreviers pups! Make me heartpain only coz I cannot have pets at home. My mom not pet lover... :(

Okay, that's it la. I too lazy to continue...

Last call!! Sponser me? Please? I really want a golden retreiver!! Buy first then let my mom kill me later!! LOL.

Oh, That's Cody.... Cute right? I wonder how Serene can bear to leave the house everyday...

I believe in happy endings...1:53 PM.


A little weird.
Hard to understand.
READING and WRITING are things I love.
I Hear You!

April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010
designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem
inspiration & lyrics: TLG
title script source unknown.