
Thursday, July 30, 2009

I'm back... Well, I'm taking a break from my studies. I'm feeling kind of lost... like a lost sheep or a lost child. There's something in my heart just bothering me. Best thing is, I don't know what is it... It feels like a void in me... I try to ignore it but I can't. It's weird. Like it's eating you up from the inside. I'm so tired! I need a holiday. Need to leave the country for a bit. But that won't happen until next year, if we actually go. So for now, I'm gonna think. I have a lot of thinking to do, a lot of questions to ask. I hope I'll get answers soon.

Another video to brighten your day (: It's just for laughs, don't take it too seriously. Enjoy!

I believe in happy endings...8:19 PM.
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Had a kind of long talk with Sarah and Wens last sunday... talked about almost everything... But mostly about our future. Like further education and career and stuff... And honestly, I kind of envy them. They have a rough idea of their future, I on the other hand... totally clueless. Then Sarah mentioned about doing something not so mainstream for a year or so. Like going to the Hillsong College... I thought it would be a good idea... but then again, I'm not sure. Besides, would my parents allow me to go?

Don't get me wrong, I did consider going to Uni. But what course am I gonna take? Which Uni to go? And I would have to take a student loan if I want to further my studies... Or should I take a part time degree and study part time. I've been there, done that... And it really sucks.

Guess for now, I have to take one step at a time...

Anyway, the 4 books I ordered online arrived yesterday!! WooHoo! And I'm half way through the first book (: Now I really wish I can go to a beach with my books, sit in a hammock and just relax for the day...

Well, keep dreaming cos' dreams do come true (:

PS: I've found a wonder picture of my dream beach/hammock but I can't upload. There's something wrong with my blogger... Is yours giving you problems too? Anyway, if you wanna see the pic... link's here!

I believe in happy endings...3:07 PM.
Friday, July 24, 2009

Just a lil' something to brighten up your day... Guitar Hero: World Tour madness...

I believe in happy endings...3:03 PM.
Saturday, July 18, 2009

10 things to thank God for!
1. I thank God for Disney! (: (Scroll down...)
2. I thank God for the cool weather
3. I thank God for providing me with everything I need.
4. I thank God for my cell
5. I thank God for helping me through my last semester. (YES!)
6. I thank God for His constant blessings.
7. I thank God that I can spend time with my mama.
8. I thank God for always being there.
9. I thank God that His mercy is new every morning...
10. I thank God for Cody...

Okay, wondering why I thank God for Cody? I've learnt something from that lil' puppy. You know, when we went to Serene's house, we are really happy to see Cody, and as much as we enjoy being around him, he enjoys our company too (PS: He wagged his tail for a whole hour...) And God is the same... As Christians, we are glad to be in God's presence and we enjoy His company. But God also loves to be in our presence.

"The Lord your God is with you; the mighty One will save you. He will rejoice over you. You will rest in his love; he will sing and be joyful about you." Zeph 3:17

Can you see? God is the one rejoicing over us, and he's the one singing and being joyful about us. Many of us thinks that we are the ones enjoying His presence but truth is, He loves our company too!

Be still and know You are God... When we're in God presence, we don't have to be constantly singing or praying or reading the bible, sometimes we just have to be quiet, listen to God's music and enjoy being with Him.

So try... Just stay where you are, close your eyes, quieten your heart and enjoy...
What I'm going to tell you guys next, is going to be really strange.

haha. Okay, it's actually not that big a deal but I have the theme song of "Hannah Montana" stuck in my head... (What? It's really catchy... Don't laugh...) Yes. I still watch Disney. And yes, I have favourites. I really like, "Suite Life on Deck" and "Wizards of Waverly Place". Why? Coz they're funny... I watched one episode and I'm hooked...

"You have the best of both worlds..." HAHA.

Enjoy your day!

I believe in happy endings...8:18 PM.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Holy Holy
Is the Lord God almighty
Who was and is
And is to come

This verse of the song keeps ringing in my head. And I think it's God's way to telling us, or maybe just me to hang in there, because He will come and take us home. And when he does, all that is troubling us won't be troubling us anymore. It's such a simple yet powerful reminder that God keeps His promise.

Joshua 1:5 "... As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you."

So, whatever happens in your life, hang in there!!

HAHA. "Borrowed" this from Pamela's blog...

I believe in happy endings...11:23 AM.
Monday, July 13, 2009

Read something earlier, and it made me think. Not that the story was something that would trigger thoughts but it stirred my emotions. Like all stories would... It made me sad, happy, heart broken, angry and what not... Then it made me think, am I too sensetive? Too in touch with my feelings?

I always though I'm a logical person but then recently I realised that I'm also a very emotional person. Okay, maybe I realised that a long time ago, but I tried to deny it. I didn't want to be a person who would be ruled by her emotions.

Sometimes I think I think too much, feel too much... And it affects me. Feeling for fictional characters that exsited only on paper, or on screen. Feeling all that my friends are feeling... Then sometimes I don't understand. Am I born to be senstive? Am I supposed to be able to so freely tap into my feelings? Sometimes, I think being so senstive did more harm than good, because sometimes it consumes me.

Would there be a day where I stop feeling? What would happen, if one day, my heart harden and it grew cold? Would it be a good thing for me? Not being able to feel... At the very least I wouldn't be able to feel sad... And at least stories would be nothing but entertainment. At least, I would not be affected by things that don't concern me. But, I don't know... would it do me any good?

I have so many questions... and no answer. God, I need answers...

I believe in happy endings...8:10 PM.
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Into your hand
I commit again
With all I am
For you Lord

You hold my world
In the palm of Your hand
And I'm Yours forever

Jesus I believe in You
Jesus I belong to You
You're the reason that I live
The reason that I sing
With all I am

I'll walk with you
Wherever you go
Through tears and joy
I'll trust in you

And I will live
In all of your ways and
Your promises forever


I will worship I will worship you forever

Today, the Lord put this song in my heart. And I just feel that with all that is happening around us, we need to go back to the cross and tell God, "God, I commit again." And I just sense that we need to once again, lay it all at his feet. All that you're feeling, your burdens, your sadness, your regrets... everything that is heavy on your heart... just lay it down at His feet. And as I did that, I just sense the Lord saying, "It's okay now. I will take it all away." Then I just felt this peace in my heart. And if you have something that is weighing you down, just pray and ask the Lord to take it away.

With that I felt the need to share the right way of praying. Actually it's Pst Nina's method... I'm just spreading the word... LOL

A - Adoration. Adore God for who He is and what He's done.
C - Confession. Confess your sins to Him.
T - Thanksgiving. Thank God for everything in your life.
S - Supplication. Tell God what you need. Of course, He knows what you need, but sometimes, you need to open your mouth and ask. Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you..."

But don't keep on talking about what you need. Just be still for a moment and let God speak to you...

I believe in happy endings...1:04 PM.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I was on the train, going home from class and God spoke to me... What is the condition of your heart? He reminded that me that the 40day fast exercise should be taken seriously.

Fasting is not easy, esp when we're fasting from something we love/need so much... like lunch, sweet drinks or chili... But what are we gonna do if we break the fast? Should we say, since I already broke the fast, so I can just eat whatever I want lor... Coz I not fasting already what. Or are we gonna say that, I will try again tomorrow and try not to break the fast again. Then I realised that completing the fast is not important to God, what's important is the effort you've put in. You may think that fasting does not affect other people and it seems really small compared to people who can do big things for God (Eg: Pst Khong).

But God says, that's not true. Every little thing you do, every sacrifice and effort, however small, it means a lot to Him. So at the end of the day, it's not about completing the fast, it's about the condition of your heart. It's about whether you're doing this for God, or you're doing this because everyone in church is doing it, so you do. Maybe it's wrong, I don't know, but if you're fasting just for the sake of it, I rather that you not do it... Your heart is not in the right place. And if your heart is not in the right place, it doesn't please God in any way, not even if you complete the fast.

So, I leave you with a question... What is the condidtion of your heart?

I believe in happy endings...10:44 PM.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Maybe it's a little small, so here's what Logan said...

Logan: Hey Mike (DJ) can I talk to you?

Mike: You bet Logan, what's up?

Logan: I wanna tell you something that God just told me. Last night my dad was roping this calf, and this calf have been born from a really old cow, she didn't have the greatest milk, like the vitamin C and stuff.... She broke her back, and this morning I went out and put her down myself. I was talking to God, I was asking God why? She was special... And God said, "You know Logan, My Son was special... but He died for a purpose. It's kind of the same thing... that calf was close to me, and God's Son was close to Him...

Mike: Logan, you're so right. It's true. Think you gonna be okay?

Logan: Yeah, I'll be fine. But I just wanted to tell you guys that, that is so important, when you lose a loved one or a pet, always remember that God gave His son too... And He understands. He will always understand. He will always, just run to Him.
With all that is happening around us, H1N1... the girl in school... I think we need to remember that God understands. And if it hurts us, it hurts Him even more... And just remember to always run to God...

I believe in happy endings...7:45 PM.
Monday, July 6, 2009

Been sometime since I last updated. Not very busy, but very lazy. LOL.

I think many people are affected by the incident that happened recently (If you know, you know. If you don't know, don't ask). It didn't really hit me until I went back for the Prayer meeting on Friday. The moment I stepped into the compound, I just felt a sense of loss and a spirit of heaviness in the air. We didn't prepare any agenda that day, instead as we worship we asked God for a word. Anything that He would want us to share or pray for and praise God, everyone had a word.

And as we prayed, God gave me a vision. An image of a group of people, linking their hands together. And God reminded me that, everyone has a family and friends for a reason. We are stronger together. When you're alone, you're more vulnerable. Many what had happened, wouldn't have happened if she wasn't alone at that time... Looking out the window (It's raining a bit..), I just felt that we need to pray that God's light will shine through the dark clouds and we have to believe that God will change this incident to something that will bring glory to His name.

All of my life,
In every season,
You are still God.
I have a reason to sing,
I have a reason to worship.

We will always have a reason to sing and worship Him.

On a lighter note, it's the 6th day of the 40day fast. I am fasting from unhealthy sweet drinks like bubble tea and coke... :X Not gonna like, it's not easy, esp the first few days. But as the days pass, it just got easier. And I was just reminded of Serene's sharing two week back. The one about training a dog to let go of their desires and listen to their owner. I think this fasting exercise is God's way of training us to let go of our worldly desire. When I started fasting, I was thinking 'Aiya... sure die la. No bubble tea...' But I'm not dead yet. So this goes to show that as humans to hold on to our desires very strongly, but if we try hard enough we could learn to give up what we want and have, and obey God's will. And God will honour our sacrifice.

So, to everyone that is fasting, don't give up! Do it for God!! :D

I believe in happy endings...2:50 PM.


A little weird.
Hard to understand.
READING and WRITING are things I love.
I Hear You!

April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010
designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem
inspiration & lyrics: TLG
title script source unknown.