
Friday, November 27, 2009

HEY! If you're having a bad day or you just wanna laugh at something... Here is your chance! (Wow, I sound like I'm promoting something...) Anyways, my friend introduced this song to me. It's about Christmas cookies and yes, the title is of course, 'Christmas Cookie'.

I sure do like those Christmas cookies, sugar
I sure do like those Christmas cookies, babe
The ones that look like Santa Claus
Christmas trees, bells, and stars
I sure do like those Christmas cookies, babe

Now Christmas cookies are a special treat
The more she bakes the more I eat
And sometimes I can't get myself to stop
Sometimes she'll wait till I'm asleep
She'll take the ones I didn't eat
And put those little sprinkly things on top

I sure do like those Christmas cookies, sugar
I sure do like those Christmas cookies, babe
The ones that look like Santa Claus
Christmas trees, bells, and stars
I sure do like those Christmas cookies, babe

Now those sprinkly things just makes things worse
Cause it makes them taste better than they did at first
And they're absolutely impossible to resist
Some disappear to who knows where
But I make sure I get my share
And those kids just stand there waiting for the ones I miss

Sure do like those Christmas cookies, sugar
Sure do like those Christmas cookies, babe

She gets mad that they're all gone
Before she gets the icing put on
Sure do like those Christmas cookies babe

Now there's a benefit to all of this
That you might have overlooked or missed
So now let me tell you the best part of it all
Every time she sticks another batch in the oven
There's 15 minutes for some kissin' and'a huggin'
That's why I eat Christmas cookies all year long!

OH... Take it away, boys!

I sure do like those Christmas cookies, sugar
I sure do like those Christmas cookies, babe
The ones that look like Santa Claus
Christmas trees, bells, and stars
I sure do like those Christmas cookies, babe

Okay, I hope you enjoyed it... I didn't make the video though... I'm gonna go get me some cookies :D

I believe in happy endings...9:43 AM.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009


"Faith consists in believing when it's beyond the power of reason to believe." Voltire.

I believe in happy endings...11:14 AM.
Monday, November 23, 2009


You are my strength when I am weak,
You are the treasure that I seek,
You are my all in all.

Seeking You as a precious jewel,
Lord, to give up I'd be a fool,
You are my all in all.

Taking my sin, my cross, my shame,
Rising again I bless Your name,
You are my all in all.

When I fall down You pick me up,
When I am dry You fill my cup,
You are my all in all.

Jesus, Lamb of God,
Worthy is Your Name.

A few hours ago, I began feeling troubled. I don't know why. Or what I was troubled about but I was just really troubled. I felt hurt and pain... Maybe I was having mood swings. Or maybe I was just getting too attached to some of the fictional characters in stories and on TV.

And as I was in the middle of all sorts of emotions, God put this song in my heart. And I was really comforted. This song is like a reminder that in the middle of all the challenges, obstacles, pain, brokenness, etc... He is my all in all. He is the treasure that I should always seek. The things of this world are not permanent.

Charles Chaplin once said, "Nothing is permanent in this wicked world - not even our troubles."

So, if you are reading this, remember whatever you are going through, it will end. Good things will happen. It's okay to be overwhelmed by things around you. God knows that we are not always strong. Sometimes, all we can do is rest in His arms as He takes us through the journey of life. With Him, we are safe... Remember to be still and know He is God.

On another note, saw something that I'd like to share with you.
"Don't get disappointed when God doesn't give you what you want. For He knows the best time for you to have it."

And on that note, I should go. See you soon!

I believe in happy endings...9:10 PM.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Well, as you know, I have graduated many months ago, but I still have not found a job. I sent in resumes but they didn't call me back :( I don't know why, but I know it's part of God's plan.

And just as I stayed at home, I realised I have a lot of time on my hands. And God is using all the time I have now to teach me more about His word. See, if I started to work or study, He would not be able to teach me as much as He is doing now, because I would be so tired and lazy that I would put Him aside.

So, I will continue to look for jobs but if no one calls me back, I will not feel bad. Because I will know that, that was not God's plan for me. When He closes one door, He will always remember to open another one for me. I'm not worried. (:

And a big thanks to my sisters (You know who you are). Thank you for being there for me and all your encouragement. They mean a lot to me. And also for intro-ing jobs to me. Thanks!! :D

Lastly I wanna share a Christmas song. Read the lyrics before you tell yourself you will not like the song.

The Christmas Song by Owl City

It's Christmas and we walk alone
Two strangers with no one to miss us
On our own
Out in the cold

Trudging onward
Braving a harsh winter storm
You and I met passing by
And now our spirits feel warm

I don't have anyone at home to talk to
And you don't have anything to do
So I'll spend my Christmas with you
I'll spend my Christmas with you

It's Christmas and we are in love
With the way that the soft snowflakes kiss us
From far above
The blustery breeze

Trudging onward
Braving a harsh winter storm
You and I met passing by
And now our spirits feel warm

I believe that Jesus is truly the only way
I celebrate Christmas because it's his birthday

I don't have anyone at home to talk to
And you don't have anything to do
So I'll spend my Christmas with you
I'll spend my Christmas with you
I'll spend my Christmas with you
I'll spend my Christmas with you

I believe in happy endings...1:07 PM.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Here I am, back to square one. I finally stopped procrastinating and sent and email to the person in charge of the course I'm interested in... And I found out that I am not qualified for the course. But I probably can take the other tourism courses. But my mom probably wouldn't want me to. After the higher diploma, I have to leave for Switzerland for 6 months, to study there. She prefers that I complete my studies in Singapore. I prefer that too... So, right now, I'm pretty lost.

The funny thing is, I don't feel as disappointed as I thought I would. Did I not want it enough? Or is that not what God had intended for me... Maybe, that's why I'm not feeling too bad about not being able to get into the course I want. If it's the later, then what does God wants me to do?

I thought of a few options:
1) Do nothing - Don't think that is going to happen. God will want me to do something, right?
2) Be a writer - Okay, I like writing and I have written quite a few stories (they are all online...), but I don't know...
3) Continue baking and maybe someday, I can have my own bakery - I like this, but it seems so far fetched...

Help! Someone give me a map! I totally lost...

I believe in happy endings...9:14 PM.
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Friday night was a blast! Went to PL from prayer meeting, the last meeting of the year. And after the important stuff, we went and do some super no meaning fun stuff. Chair captain's ball. it was old people (20 and above) VS young people and despite having one less team member, the old people team won... HAHA. it's either they are very healthy and active or young people are just plain lazy. I am in the second category coz I really just sat at the other end of the court and wait for the ball to come to me. LOL. Then we had chair soccer, where I broke my toe nail but at least young people won this game...

Then the old people won again at captain's ball. Think we young people need to buck up... But I'll be in the old people's team soon... >.<

Anyways, I wanted to learn how to play the guitar for a long time. Not the 'Guitar Hero' kind but the real guitar since I was very young, but never had the chance. Then when I saw how everyone don't want to play during worship, then I thought maybe it's not nice to play. But everyone told me it's very nice to play... Then why you not playing during worship? If you have the skill, shouldn't you be using the skill God gave you to worship Him? What's the point of learning something and not practicing?

Now, I'm procrastinating again... To learn or not to learn? Seems like I procrastinate a lot...

New Title: Professional Procrastinator

Okay, shall end off here before I start rambling nonsense again... See you soon!

I believe in happy endings...9:39 AM.


A little weird.
Hard to understand.
READING and WRITING are things I love.
I Hear You!

April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010
designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem
inspiration & lyrics: TLG
title script source unknown.