
Friday, January 29, 2010

I'm so tired. As you know, I'm not doing much, but I'm tired. Like I said, I'm down with a very bad cough and flu... Which made me re-consider my decision of going to camp. I want to go! But with the cough and flu, I'm not sure. Then, last night, I had a short chat with Wens and she encouraged me to go, and I believe God will heal me. When I woke up this morning, I told myself I shall go for the camp. Then my period came... -.- Right now, I'm in pain... Painkillers are not working. My back hurts because of my period and it's just gonna get worse on the second day. And my mom... She didn't say it aloud, but I know she doesn't want me to go... Mainly because she's gonna be alone. My dad's working late, my bro's gonna be out late. She hates eating alone, so every Friday when I go for cell, I feel bad that I have to leave her alone for dinner. And usually on Saturday, we go out to dinner together. And then, she'll have to have dinner alone again.

I thought it would be easy for me to leave for the camp but now, this just seems like a battle for me. I'm so tired of arguing with myself, whether I should go or not. What should I do, God?

I believe in happy endings...11:57 AM.
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Wow... I haven't blogged for a long time... And since I'm a pretty lazy, I shall just do a quick summary... Nothing major though...

Hmmm.... Cody's birthday party! I didn't really enjoy myself... It was a really good party, don't get me wrong but I wasn't feeling very well that day. So, I had to force myself to smile and interact with people... In the end, I babysat Cody, so instead of talking to humans, I played with dogs... I believe that I'm really anti-social. Maybe even a little bit of autism... Haha. The food was alright, I guess. I'm pretty picky so, I'm hard to please when it comes to food. But overall, I believe I had fun... With the dogs... HAHA.

Helped my auntie 'ban jia' the following Saturday... Although, my cousins thought I didn't do much, but I did okay! I supervised you! That's important because if not, you'll not do anything. So, actually I did the most... HAHA.

Was quite busy this week... CNY's in 2 weeks? Yeah... So, we had to do spring cleaning... Changed the curtains, bedsheets and a lot of cleaning... *Sigh*. So tired. And I finally bought a new top for CNY. It's a really simple one, and I like it. It's not expensive too! Like $20+... Weiwen introduced me to the site (: Thanks a lot Wens! But sadly, I'm down with flu, cough and sore throat since yesterday. I have not had coughs for years, but now it's back... And it's really bad. It's like every time I cough, my lungs hurt... It really sucks! And if I don't gt well by tomorrow, I won't be going for the Encounter camp... I don't want to pass my bacteria to everyone at camp... And I'm pretty sure I won't have time to rest up at camp... So, pray for me people!

"Don't tell God how big your storm is, tell your storm how big your God is." - Unknown

I believe in happy endings...9:57 AM.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I'm so tired. I just got home like 15minutes ago... And I was out since like 10AM. SLEEPY... Went out with mummy to rebond my hair. OMG. They washed my hair so many times, I think they washed away some of my brain cells. Anyways, chopped of about 2inches of my long hair and cut my fringe really short.

On another note, just got my guitar from Sarah. I remember a few months ago, I told God, if He wants me to learn how to play the guitar, He has to provide me with one. Cause, I have no money to buy one. So now, I really have to learn how to play. I'm gonna need a lot of help people!!

OMG. I'm really tired... *yawns*

I believe in happy endings...7:12 PM.
Friday, January 8, 2010

My eyes are swollen. I have an infection on my right eye and now, it has spread to my left. So, now I have swollen eyes. It's itchy and painful... :( On top of that, I have a sore throat and runny nose... Not fun at all...

On another note, I'm pretty excited for Encounter camp... In case you don't know, I'm easily excited/amused/and a bunch of other stuff... But I think it's a great time for me to go for this camp. I'm not working/studying and what better time for me to go for camps? When I start work and school, I won't have time to do that. Even if I have, I think I'd prefer to be at home sleeping. So, this is a good time for me. But what I hate about camps is that I have to do my own laundry when I get home... So many smelly clothes for me to wash... Hoo-ray...

Anyways, tomorrow's my Grandpa's birthday celebration. His 80 something birthday. Cool eh? And the best part is... We're gonna have a feast! YAY FOOD! LAWL. I like to eat... My uncle book this chinese (think FuJian or FuChow, not sure...) resturant, 'Pu Tian', it's near Farrer Park train station. I'd prefer Western food, like potatoes, steak, salad, oh... pasta! and things like that... But guess have to just eat whatever they order. Please don't order anything like Durain Fried Rice... I might die. Anyways, I get to eat and as long as I'm being fed... I'm pretty happy (:

So, got to go. Hopefully, the swelling goes down so I can go for the PL prayer meeting tonight... If not, *reminds myself* to tell Serene that I won't be there...

I believe in happy endings...10:16 AM.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I got Weiwen's LONG email this morning and to tell you the truth, I'm quite shocked/surprised that she wrote such a long email. Coz she's usually kinda lazy... I'm happy that everything's working out for her and let's hope things work out for me too.

And like her, I'm praying for my baptism this year. Been with the cell for about two years now (around there la...) and nobody ever purposely went to collect baptism form for us, or at least for me, and I believe it's a sign from God. Everyone says it's easier to get baptised after you turn 21, because you don't need your parents' consent, but isn't it better to get blessings from your parents when you want to take such an important step in your life? So, everyone... Please pray for me. Coz I really want it!

This morning I asked myself a random question... If I were to compare myself to an animal, what would I be most like? And my answer was: A porcupine. Why? Because I'm scared of getting too close to people or people coming too close to me. Most of the time, I end up getting hurt. So, I'd rather be a little distant/anti-social and build up walls/barriers between me and other people. I think that's why I like staying at home, and being alone. And porcupines are kinda like that right? You can get close to them, but not too close. Unlike dogs, you can hug them, you have to keep a distance from porcupines. That's how they protect themselves, and I guess I'm doing that too...

I don't want to do that anymore. I don't want to be distant but it's so easy to crawl back to my cave and hide and be alone...

On a lighter note, at the end of the month, I'll be going for Encounter camp with Jenny, Amanda and Weiwen... Still don't know how's our guide. I'm excited for it and I can't wait.

I'm having a margrine. It's bearable... But if you ask me, I'd rather not have it. I mean, who would want to be in pain, right? So, yeah. I'm kinda angry because of it...

I believe in happy endings...2:30 PM.
Friday, January 1, 2010

OMG. I saw this on JENNY's blog and I want!! Someone please import this to Singapore, because people like me will pay big money for it!! I WANT!! That's going on my WISH LIST.

That aside... HAPPY NEW YEAR! Didn't go for the countdown yesterday, because I was lazy. I hate crowded places. I hate having too many people around me, did I tell you I'm a lil' anti-social? And lastly, I hate sleeping late. It gives me a major headache the next morning.

Anyways, I spent most of my yesterday at home. Went for a facial in the late afternoon, the facial lasted for TWO whole hours. Almost one and a half hour of pure torture when the beautician kept squeezing your face to get everything that's not supposed to be there out. OUCH... But I guess no pain, no gain. Because I have a smooth, blackheads free nose. So, I guess it's worth it. I liked the mask part though. It was nice and relaxing, and I took a nap. I like naps (:

Went to 'New York New York' for dinner with Mummy after that. I had a 'Spicy Chicken Quesadilla with salsa'. It's not bad but the portion is a lil' small. But it's okay, 'cause it mean more room for dessert! YAY ME! I love the mudpie with ice-cream. If you have a sweet tooth or you're a major chocoholic, you have to try it! I was so excited that I forgot to take a picture of that wonderful desserts... Sorry. But it's warm, thick and gooey chocolate sauce, with a warm mudpie and vanilla ice cream... YUM YUM

I can't wait for the next episode of 'Criminal Minds'. In case you don't already know, I am a huge, HUGE fan of that show. And M/P needs to happen!! Come on already!

I found this online... It's it pretty... I haven't seen snow, real or fake. Let's hope I can see and feel it soon. *fingers cross* If anyone suddenly feels kind and wants to sponsor my next overseas trip, please leave a message and I will contact you. I'm serious! I will!!


I believe in happy endings...11:02 AM.


A little weird.
Hard to understand.
READING and WRITING are things I love.
I Hear You!

April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010
designed by lil.queens
photos: bexidaisy on DA
host: imageshack & imeem
inspiration & lyrics: TLG
title script source unknown.